When a customer walks into any of D&B Tile's nine locationsthroughout south Florida, they will find a team of qualified sales professionalswho are ready and able to assist them with every phase of their project regardless of whether it is a 4x6 foot bathroomor a 100,000 sq/ft office building or mall. In addition, they are presenting to every customer a line of porcelain tile, natural stone or marblethat is exactly as advertised. There are no surprises because we do all the heavy lifting a long time before the customer walks into the store. We know the reliability and reputation of the manufacturer as well as their current inventory, quality control policies and production schedules. Products just don't show up at the loading dock at D&B Tile. There's a lot of behind the scenes work done before anything arrives for us to present to our customers.
We recently sat down with Michael Kmetz, North American Sales Manager for Ilva, after an extensive meeting with D&B Tile’s professional architectural/design team, key management personnel and inside sales personnel. Ilva is one of our longest and most reliable manufacturers.
Prior to going into the meeting, I had a lot of discussion with your management team about the productswe were about to launch to make certain they fit in with your overall company strategy. We needed to make sure it wasn't a duplication of products. We needed to make certain it would fill a nichewithin D&B Tile. Once we got through that point, we ordered all the necessary merchandising information, folders, photographs and samples. Once we got that into all of your locations, we do what we just finished today which is the follow up on all the training for your sales personnel and architectural/design team.
"This is my second trip to D&B Tile since we sent in the original merchandising material. I have visited all nine of your locations and trained each of the sales personnel on the new line. We spend the time to make certain your people have all the tools they need to service the end user. All of your sales team now has full access and understanding of all the sales material, samples and digital information. The meeting today was a follow-up with your architectural and design team in which we reviewed the training with them. Their presentation is different from your in-store personnel since they are presenting to design professionals who have a more comprehensive need for information and specifications.
"Our products are manufactured in our plant in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Ilva has been working with D&B Tilefor close to 11 years. During the first stages there were plant visits by D&B Tile. Their management team verified our shipping schedules, quality control and inventory as well as our company’s financial standing and reliability. It was very thorough vetting. Even though we have had a long-standing relationship with D&B Tile, it didn't give us a carte blanche to just drop off the tile. We had to go through the same process with your managers, design team and sales personnel when we introduce each new line."
Remember that when you arrive at any of our nine stores or authorized dealers. We are ready, willing and able to serve our customers and present them with a complete line of porcelain tile, natural stone, marble, setting materialsand toolsfrom around the world ... and every manufacturerhas been carefully scrutinized for reliability, inventory, quality control and quality. We have your back.