We’ve all heard it before ... Vinegar ... the great urban myth. It is used for many things, not the least of which is a misguided effort to clean tile. This is not a solution to grout haze. And it will likely cause more problems than it solves.
Patty Velez and Rod Sigman with Custom Building Products andAquamix gave a presentation last week on sealers, cleaners and problem solvers at three D&B Tile Distributor locations. They reached more than 120 contractors with a simple message.Grout Haze Cleanup helps contractors save time, money and avoid problems with homeowners. Rod Sigman conducted a PowerPoint presentation and hands-on demonstrations to show how Grout Haze Cleanup can be added to water during the cleanup to remove grout haze.
Aquamix Team (Left to Right): Ron Sigman, Juan Calil, Patty Valez, Larry Maura
According to Patty Velez, "We especially appreciate D&B Tile’s commitment to continuing education. The industry is ever-changing and as new products become available, we want to make sure they are understood and made available to contractors."
During the presentation, contractors were asked about their experience with the product. Mike Weaver and Garrett Gaspard withTrendsetter Tile & Stone, Inc have used the product with good results. "For years, we made special efforts to clean up the job thoroughly before we left and often were faced with the problem of grout haze. We heard about Aquamix Grout Haze Cleanup and decided to give it a try. It worked as advertised and saved us time and money on callbacks. Now we incorporate this into every one of our jobs. Honestly, we don't know why everyone doesn’t carry this with them. lt's inexpensive and works,” said Mike Weaver.