Cracking Tile
Cracking tile can cause a lot of headaches, especially if you didn’t buy enough to cover for mistakes during the installation process. You can definitely crack or chip tile if you drop it, but you also have to be careful when cutting it for the edges and corners of the room. Cutting tile requires patience as you must do it slowly, especially if it’s a thicker tile. An abrasive saw is also always recommended over one with teeth for less chance of an accidental break.Lack of Planning
You proudly finish placing the last tile, you take a step back and take in your masterpiece, but then it hits you. Something looks off. A tile floor that is asymmetrical just doesn’t look very pleasing to the eye. This can look even worse if you were aiming for a special type of pattern. If you don’t plan and measure ahead of time, this can unfortunately be something you’re faced with. Make sure to take your time to prevent miscalculations.Not Having Necessary Tools
Without the proper tools, the tile you install won’t look as good as you’d hope. These are some of the tools needed to complete the job:- Trowel
- Grout float
- Tile spacers
- Level