If you are trying todecide on whether purchasing commercial tileor commercial carpet for your next project, you might want to look past the cost and look a little closer at the at side effects and maintenance of the two.
First, you have the side effects that new carpet can cause. Yes, we said side effects! Similar to that "new car smell" new carpet smells a certain way because of the materialsfrom which it is made of. Some carpets that were studied contained over 200 chemicals, of which some are knowncarcinogens. A variety of these chemicals emitted toxic fumes thatcaused eye, nose and throat irritations, dizziness, fatigue and host of other health conditions.
Secondly, carpets no matter how often they are cleaned and vacuumedwill always hold a certain amount of dust mites, dirt and anything else that is brought in on someone's shoes. Studies have shown thatsome carpeting can hold up to eight times its weight in dirt. If pets are allowed on the carpet that brings on whole additional element of problems that land in your carpet.
Thirdly, there is the cost of maintenance. Between constant vacuuming and at least a yearly shampoo, a lot of money is spent just to make it look good. If the carpet starts to buckle it has to be serviced to keepsomeone from tripping.
How about the life of the carpet? The quality of the carpetand how much it is used will determine thelength of time it spends on your floors.Every grade will eventually start to show traffic patterns. Thematerial will start to fray and seams will start to show. Spills of just about anything, if not treated immediately will leave spots that will need attention adding to the mounting cost of carpet care.
Lastly, if you made the choice of plush or shaggy carpet your problems willbe multiplied. These types of carpet hold odor, dirt and any chemicals that may be in your building. Ifwalls are painted, thatsmell will stay. Additionally if you use commercial insecticide or household grade bug killer those particles will land on the carpet and will stay there for months.
Commercial tile is the superior choice when selecting flooring. There will be no buckling, it is stain resistant, holds no odor and is very low maintenance.To learn more on what benefits commercial tile has to offer contact us.If you prefer to see it for yourself you can visit on of our nine South Florida showrooms or Authorized Dealers to see our beautiful selections of tile for your commercial building.